Supporting our Community during Pandemic
April 3rd, 2020

Like so many industries right now - retail and fashion is facing devastating effects of COVID-19 pandemic. There has
been heart-breaking stories all around us especially in Pakistan where people are starving while saving themselves
from the virus - Our team on ground worked round the clock to re-design our manufacturing process. On March 23rd, we
started off with a rough week of abrupt shutdown but within that week managed to shift all manufacturing process to
a work from home model. While big factories in Pakistan are laying off labor workers, Fuchsia artisans both in
Sangla Hills and Karachi are making shoes from their homes earning wages, putting food on the table for their
families and their communities.
Here's what we're doing:
- Educating our artisans to practice hygiene and exercise social distancing in Pakistan as per guidelines issued by WHO & CDC organizations. Supporting their stay and work from home, and providing them ration meals.
- Providing cleaning supplies and training the artisans to wipe down surfaces for their work areas.
- Our project managers on ground are required to sanitize before they leave their houses to transport back and forth all raw material and shoes to individual artisans working from home.
- On US side, we are abiding by the Washington state guidelines for social distancing and have less than 2 people in our fulfillment warehouse at all times.
- Each employee in Seattle warehouse is required to sanitize before entering and upon leaving the warehouse. We are also wiping down all surfaces with disinfectant daily and limit exposure to outside people.
We cannot be more proud of our artisans and our team on ground working tirelessly, to deliver all customer orders we received while all of us shift to online shopping. And cannot be more grateful to our customers who are patiently waiting for their shoes to arrive, despite of shipping delays.
As of now, our supply chain is fully functional and we are shipping shoes.
We hope these beautiful artisan
made shoes bring a smile to your face and inspire you throughout the day. Like always, every Fuchsia purchase
enables us to provide living wages for talented native artisans and craftspeople.
Got an idea?
Have you got any recommendations for us that could help us strengthen our approach? Please